You want to make your own mobile application? Ask us and we will send you an estimate of the cost and implementation time without obligation on your part.
Let's briefly look at the services provided:
IPhone application development
Create iPhone app in native code. This application can be installed on smartphones and tablets running iOS operating system (Apple).
Android App Development
Create Android app in native code. This application can be installed on smartphones and tablets with Android operating system (Google)
Developing hybrid application for all platforms (iPhone, Android, Windows)
Create an application that can be installed on Android, iOS, and Windows. In other words, if you choose this option, the same application can run everywhere, exoikonomontas so significantly in cost and development time. The only drawback of hybrid applications is that probably some potential in native applications may not be available and the largest response time which in most cases is not felt by the user.
Backend development for application data
If your application data come are not static, but from some other site or online service can implement this interface (for existing services), or we can create (new services). This service can only be for the supply and storage of data or a complete site.